Review of Prowl

Prowl (2010)
Thrown together for no reason. Completely vapid and empty horror flick
1 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Obviously looking to cash in on the vampire craze this film mixes together your typical slasher flick but with a vampiric twist without actually every using the word vampire. There is absolutely no substance to the movie whatsoever. It starts out typically enough...slightly post teens partying, stripping, and generally acting the way Jason Voorhees hated. But this doesn't make a bad horror movie, its just the recipe for a slasher flick. You know the lead character has some sort of strange past that she doesn't remember so that's intriguing enough to stay with it. Everything feels like a slasher flick so if you are a fan, like myself, you stay with it right up until the monsters arrive. The monsters who are vampires show up at about the 45 minute mark and they cut through the cast in about five minutes give or take and when the slaughter is done you're bored...plain and simple. Blood and guts spew, no unique kills just slaughter slaughter slaughter and then its over. You're left with the unravelling of the main characters past but by the time you simply don't care and the story is too weak to keep your interest.

Courtney Hope is our scream queen with the murky past. She is decent, nothing wrong with her performance. The script doesn't give her a lot to work with. The rest of the cast are literally a write off. They are fodder for the monsters and are all basically the same sex crazed, drinking, pot smoking post-teenagers that get killed off in minutes. Saxon Trainor is the evil villainess and head of the vampires. She's okay but gets little actual screen time to establish herself as a great villain. Bruce Payne is the same vote. He starts good as the mysterious stranger that helps them and traps them but then he is given virtually nothing else to do.

Prowl is a poor excuse for slapping together and churning out a horror flick. The story is so weak that it won't even please the most hardcore fans. Patrik Syversen has had some experience behind the camera but doesn't look like he's ever had a decent budget to work with. Prowl probably didn't have a huge budget but more than it should have had and it was underused. Really the fault of this clunker is in the hands of screenwriter Tim Tori. Its just poorly told and the pacing is completely off. This one should be skipped. The special effects are good, the lead actress does well, but the rest is a write off. 4/10
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