The Bellboy (1960)
Very unusual....but worth seeing.
27 August 2012
This is one of Jerry Lewis' most unusual films. While many of his are quite episodic (with lots of little comedy skits buried within the film), this one is episodic--with no real plot to support it. In other words, it's JUST comedy skits and there is no attempt to create a back story or plot. While this isn't the sort of film I'd usually want to see, it's nice for a change of pace. In many ways, it reminds me of the Mr. Hulot films by Jacques Tati--which isn't surprising, as Lewis has praised Tati's work (and vice-versa).

The film takes place at a swank Miami hotel. Jerry plays a bellboy who always seems to be getting into trouble or being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Many of the skits are only mildly funny--but they come so quickly that it really doesn't matter. Among the best of the routines is when the great actor, Jerry Lewis, comes to the hotel-- as well as Milton Berle. Seeing the bellboy AND Lewis was a clever touch--and I loved seeing the entourage that got out of Lewis' limo. Quite engaging and worth seeing. I also marvel that Lewis wrote, directed and starred in this film and did it so very quickly.
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