Going Spanish (1934)
Who would have known?!
27 August 2012
This was Bob Hope's first movie role. Considering how inconsequential and unfunny it is, it's amazing to think that only a few years later he'd be a beloved comedian--and king of radio, movies and USO tours! "Going Spanish" is set in some unidentified South American country. Bob and his girlfriend want to get married and they enter a stupid little town expected to be married with no problems. However, the town is doing some sort of Opposite Day (or something) and the Mayor is an idiot. Also, Bob meets another nice lady...could SHE be his future wife instead?! This film was made in New York in a cheap sound stage. The background looks pretty much like a giant painting...which it is. And, equally cheap are the jokes. Most of Hopes quips fall flatter than usual and the low-point was his judging the 'funny face' contest. It's all pretty inconsequential and unfunny--so much so it's a marvel that he ever went anywhere in films. Seriously...perhaps a 3 is being generous with this one.
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