Here Comes Honey Boo Boo (2012–2017)
Here Comes 30 Minutes of Fun! (Some Minor Spoilers)
24 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I do not normally post reviews, but with only 2 haters saying something about this show and this family, I felt I had chime in. Let me say first that I agree, go-go juice sounds like the worst thing ever, and I don't think it should be given to children. However, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is the most entertaining show on TV right now. Alana is charming and a natural entertainer. I would not be surprised if she becomes a very successful actress as she grows up.

Unlike another reviewer, I do not watch a lot of reality TV. I find the people in most reality shows to be shallow, judgmental, morally bankrupt, or mentally unstable; chosen for their propensity to create drama. I don't enjoy having that kind of drama and tension in my life. I understand how Here Comes Honey Boo Boo might appear to be an exploitive, morally reprehensible show about an unscrupulous and vapid family, but the first 10 minutes of the show are enough to dispel those misconceptions.

This show follows a happy, fun-loving and supportive family. Sure they do things like go "mud bogging" and 4 wheeling, and they are self proclaimed rednecks. They have a train that runs through their back yard, seemingly multiple times every day. Mama and Sugar Bear are not married, and the oldest daughter is pregnant and in high school. What is most impressive about this family is that in spite of these things (things that most people I know would look at as obstacles and deficiencies) they have made a happy, fulfilling life together. And togetherness is something that a lot of families, even and maybe more so wealthy families, lack.

This family has fun nick-names for each other. They laugh and play together. They support each other in whatever goals they set for themselves and in what ever challenges they face. They are frank and open about things most people are embarrassed of and try to deny or hide. Frankly the openness, the unapologetic acknowledgement and pride in who they are, is refreshing and rare. They don't do things the way everyone else does and I'm sure, some of those things are flawed. But the bottom line is, when I watch this family, I see loving parents who are doing everything they can to raise happy, respectful and responsible children who are equipped to handle what life has in store. I think that we can all learn some positive parenting techniques from this "redneck" family and the sassy, sweet-as-pie little girl known as Honey Boo Boo.

I'd give it 10 stars, but I'm always disappointed when it ends after only 30 minutes.
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