Quite an interesting show
13 August 2012
It is interesting to see people from all over the country showing what they can do, some of them are quite good, some of them are just plain stupid.

It's a little bit funny how some people are discussing their talent with Ant and Dec or just to the camera and explaining how they feel gifted and how they have been doing their talent, etc then they come on and they're just utter rubbish. Come on now, being rubbish is one thing, but trying to make yourself look better before you've even started is just plain silly.

There was that impressionist who tried imitating Tony Blair, William Hague and David Blunkett and he was really bad. He did William Hague just about okay, but he could not do the others to save his life.

I think most of the time the judges are right in their decisions, however when they complain that the act they see is quite limited, why don't they say yes, but ask for more variety in the next round? If they can offer it they can get further, if not, they're out. That's fair isn't it? Don't get me wrong, sometimes the judges are a bit too smug and smart for their own good.

Sometimes I wonder if they should leave out singing as a talent, otherwise it could just out as another X-factor.

I think they should show more auditions on TV, because its either entertaining if they are good, funny if they're not. Either way, viewers can't lose.

I think they should also show a repeat late at night, with no censorship. There was a dancer who was quickly buzzed out and Simon Cowell told him that he was just useless and he shouted a few swears, which were bleeped out obviously, and ran off, before the judges had even had a vote. Wouldn't it have been interesting to hear what he said?

All in all, too many talents to mention here. Kate and her dog Gin were quite good and yes Kate did actually train her dog and stuff beforehand. If may look like she didn't do much but most of her work was behind the scenes. Like the conductor of an orchestra.

Quite a good show.
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