Review of The Watch

The Watch (I) (2012)
Slow, but boring
11 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a collection of actors seemingly in need of a paycheck; it is slow, largely unfunny and boring. There were few genuine laughs and I found myself straining to laugh at scenes that really weren't worth the effort. Ben Stiller plays the same character he has played a dozen times and I am struggling to remember a single funny line he issued. Vince Vaughn had a few funny moments, but again, he played the same character we've seen in all of his prior movies. And, Will Forte, he only has one character. At least he was irritating. Costco was funnier than any of these has-beens and never-weres. The plot was contrived and struggled to stay together throughout. I would have walked out but for Jonah Hill, who was genuinely funny and needs to stop carrying other people's movie's. Even with his moments of brilliance, I could not wait for the movie to be over. This will be the last Ben Stiller movie I will ever see.
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