Review of Wilder Napalm

Wilder Napalm (1993)
Somewhat entertaining movie about feuding mind-starting fire brothers from the creator of Medium (and Breaking Bad believe it or not!)
6 August 2012
I'm not sure if i liked this movie or disliked it quite honestly. Its something i'd long had on my back burner in terms of movies i'd long wanted to see but never actually got around to--this one being the only feature (that i'm aware of at least) directed by Medium (and Moonlight) creator Glenn David Caron which for me has long made it a curiosity at least. Factor in the fact that it was written by the creator of Breaking Bad (seriously) Vince Gillian and you have the recipe for an underrated cult film that has some out gone without a cult for too long now. Unfortunately the movie itself is kind of well i don't really know how to describe it---its kind of all over the place. Tonally i suppose its going for a bittersweet depressive somewhat American Gothic feel as these 2 wildly differing brothers vie for the affections of this woman--except that the woman has already made the choice of which brother she wants to be with at the beginning of the movie which makes the rest of the movie somewhat pointless if you think about it but never mind that.

These 2 brothers by the way can start fires with their minds---the more outlandish of the two of em played by a very over the top Dennis Quaid has run away and joined a traveling carnival...the other is a much more down to earth almost depressive keeps to himself kind of guy plaid by Arliss Howard (who would go on to play Capt. Push throughout Medium's run for whatever that's worth) He is what he thinks happily married to Debra Winger's somewhat pyromaniac like housewife--her character by the way never really makes much sense as written but that's OK...she's the woman who also happens to be considered the one who got away by cartoon like Dennis quaid and quaid almost completely randomly seems determined to get her back for well its never really explained why he suddenly decides he wants her back--he just does.

This is pretty much the entire film until the hour mark when it seems like Debra Winger and Dennis Quiad have re-ignited their passion driving an already somewhat depressive Arliss Howard into fits of acting out--basically it all ends up with the two brothers having a show down with one another where they end up igniting everything around them on fire---repeatedly. (the show down is pretty cool but is about as non-sensical as anything else that happens in the film)

Um yes this movie is supposed to be a whimsical one---as well as a slightly out there love story--arliss howard's character is a volunteer fireman and the other firemen in his unit have an acapella group which hits its peak with a rendition of "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire" that is actually quite lovely within the context of the film. (that musical sequence by the way reminded me very strongly of John Turturo's "Romance And Cigarettes" a movie that this one could've been as good as if it had stuck to the whole characters expressing their misery thru song motif that one had.)

However the film itself really doesn't make a whole lot of sense--i suppose its kind of like what happens when a depressive fire-starter comes to grips with his demons and what happens when his pyromaniac wife starts experiencing a 7 year itch of her own--but even just with the characters alone--even if the screenplay does manage to justify the root cause of their current behavior---the film never quite resolves their dilemma---like even with that giant showdown and the forgiveness that the brothers somehow manage to achieve from one another after a lifetime of estrangement and bitterness between them--the movie never really explains why or how they come to such a truce with one another--they just do! or why Debra Winger decides which of the two brothers she wants, she just does! or why anything that's happened in the 110 or so minutes of screen time is supposed to be endearing--it just is!

Film is totally worth a watch tho--I mean I enjoyed it more then enough--it kept me engrossed in its outcome, and i thought the performances of the 2 brothers were solid enough to keep me slightly off course as to what the final outcome was going to be between the two of them--but as a whole i'm not so sure the thing hangs together so well--still its gotta be the only Firestarter Feuding Brothers movie out there right?
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