One of O'Brien's Best Efforts
1 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wade Barton (O'Brien) leads a band of troubleshooters whose duty is to help the oppressed and the innocent (natch). While foiling an attempted robbery of a stagecoach he makes the acquaintance of Nita Del Campo (Lupita Tovar). Naturally, she's taken with him and invites him to a fiesta at her father's hacienda. At the film moves on, both the audience and Wade learn that there's some work afoot to cheat Senor Del Campo (Lucio Villegas) out of his land. Behind the dirty deeds are John Courtney (LeRoy Mason) and his foreman, Ben Wallace (William Royle). During a heated private argument between Del Campo and Courtney, Wallace knocks out Del Campo and shoots Courtney to death, framing Del Campo. Wallace figures to cash in as he's engaged to Courtney's sister. Things look bleak for Del Campo, but Wade manages to save the day by turning Wallace and his dimwitted right-hand man, Rance Potter (Glenn Strange) against each other in order to get one to confess. Watch for Ben Johnson making his film debut in a small scene as a barfly at the cantina where Del Campos is hiding.
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