Bad Day (2008)
an honest review
31 July 2012
I can't believe all the good reviews for this film. Most of them are by people who joined the IMDb, gave this film a glowing review within 24 hours and then never contributed to the site or message boards again. What a coincidence!

Anyway I had the choice of giving this a glowing review or an honest review. I chose to give an honest review to counter all the fake positive ones.

I didn't like this movie at all. I didn't feel it was worth the cost of buying it.

To deal with the positives first. Claire Goose is excellent in the lead role. There is one good fight scene between Claire Goose and Donna Air.

That is the end of the positives I'm afraid.

The negatives are everything else. Donna Air isn't as bad as her detractors suggest but she doesn't hold her own against Goose. The other performances are all weak. The script doesn't make sense. The low budget is all too apparent, Bad Day looks like a you tube video.
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