Donner Pass (2011)
Such a waste of time.
30 July 2012
I had no hopes for this, and it was the right way to go into it. It's your average mind-numbingly uncreative "horror" film full of predictable plot twists and terrible stereotypes. There is not a single scene in this movie which was enjoyable, so I'm glad it's only 90 minutes. I have nothing else to say besides how obvious the ending is, but I just don't feel like spoiling it. The less I think about, the happier I am that I won't have to sit through it again.

PS: There is a topless scene which, you know, as I guy I tolerated, but the 'gore' aspects of the movie were just /awful/. I can't even think of a way to make this better. I just want it to go away.
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