Review of Carnage

Carnage (2011)
Pleasingly ironic. Do we ever really grow up?
30 July 2012
Based on the play 'God of Carnage' by French playwright Yasmina Reza, Carnage is an enjoyable, and at times amusingly ironic look at how two couples negotiate initial social niceties in the aftermath of a playground incident between their two young sons which has left one requiring hospital treatment for a facial wound. Jodie Foster and John C Reilly are Penelope and Michael, parents of injured child Ethan. Kate Winslet and Christoph Waltz are Nancy and Alan, parents of aggressor Zachary. Directed by Roman Polanski, the theatre origins of the material are very much adhered to as the film charts the short evolution of the relationship between the two couples from smiling through gritted teeth, right through to full on spitting venom screaming matches. Anyone familiar with Mike Leigh's 'Abigail's Party' will note similarities as the whole film fixes it's lens on the interplay and events that emerge inside one location. As you'd expect with such a veteran cast, the performances are well measured as each character gradually has their tolerance levels tested with some satisfyingly funny results. With a runtime of just 80mins, this is a film that aims to get in and make it's point without ever outstaying it's welcome, and i'm pleased to say that it mostly succeeds in doing so. The ultimate irony is firmly stated and it's great fun watching the pleasantries degenerating from characters 'standing on ceremony', to wanting to stand on each other's faces. If i have a criticism, it'd be that one gag (Waltz's phone never stops ringing) get's slightly overplayed to the extent that you might find yourself heaving a heavier sigh than the affected characters in the film. On the whole though, it's a brisk and satisfying watch thanks to good turns from all four leads and solid direction.
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