Beautiful Animation Lazy Story
27 July 2012
Don't get me wrong...took 2 ten year olds and a 2 year old and they had a great time. They talked about the movie for ten minutes after and haven't brought it up since. This is a kids movie and it's pretty basic. As an adult you should enjoy some of the visual dazzle of the movie but the jokes are for the age group intended. The story telling is as lazy as you'd expect and the message repetitive as usual. And I challenge you to escape finding Ben Stiller not once again playing Ben Stiller. I've enjoyed many of his movies in the past but his range is Ben Stiller. So, in review, take the kids if you've drank enough coffee (I fell asleep twice), expect nothing new, be impressed with the superb animation, let the kids talk about it for a few minutes after the movie, and watch Ben Stiller play a lion who acts like Ben Stiller.
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