Exorcismus (2010)
This movie makes me angry...
27 July 2012
There is no real need to explain what the movie is about, cause the title says it all. This movie had promise, it started well, then within 10 - 15 mins, it all went downhill for me. The story is basic and simple, it starts of by introducing us to the characters, The family, mum, dad, teen girl, little brother and the Priest... which is there uncle. I will say the acting was decent, so i can't really fault the actors in this movie. The script on the other hand was awful, First off i would like to say, i love my horror/thriller films. I said this before in one of my other reviews and i'll say it again here, when a movie like this takes it self so seriously, i expect some logic from it, this had little logic to it, i won't explain much about it (cause then it would be spoilers). The directing wasn't bad, althou i have to also blame the director for this nonsense of a film. The camera work was decent, so were the sfx, but thats all the good i can say came from this movie.

I think this movie had a lot of promise, but failed so bad to deliver anything good, decent acting, half decent directing, really bad script. During and after watching this, it got me angry and confused, cause this could have been a good movie, but it's not. My final verdict, 3 out of 10, giving it 3 for the acting and thats about it, i cannot recommend this movie to anyone.
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