Timestalkers (1987 TV Movie)
dated and dull
26 July 2012
Kinski hams his way through this time travel adventure as the Cardboard Cutout Bad Guy, yelling half his lines, and he made me want to smack him every time he does. Lauren Hutton seems so confused by the content of her lines you suspect she was born speaking another language--Urdu, maybe-- and had to memorize them phonetically. Clichés abound, the science isn't believable, they never made me care about the time travel "adventure," and the result is William Devane was trying to sisyphus this thing up a hill made steep as an Alp by its shortcomings. As bad as it is, the Casio keyboard music and cheesy credit sequence manages to make it worse. And then someone starts singing twangy country songs: kill me now. A star for Devane, nothing for everyone else.
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