How have I missed this one?
26 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this the other day on ThisTV; how did I never see this? I knew from the outset that this was going to be a comedy, one of those crazy (some might say "stupid") comedies at that. I knew that I was going to like it. I was right, and this movie was crazy funny! It was just the thing to lift me after a long day! Gary Kroeger played a great "American hero" type as Sarge, and Marc Singer as General von Kraut was so awesomely over the top! Don't expect any kind of historical accuracy, for A Man Called Sarge doesn't even pretend to be an accurate portrayal of the North African campaign during "World War Eye-Eye". Still, if you like movies with crazy non PC humor, like Airplane!, the Police Academy series, or more recent ones like Not Another Teen Movie, the Scary Movies, Epic Movie or Meet the Spartans, you will definitely not be disappointed!
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