Oh dear...
20 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is the first thing that strikes you in this movie. Wooden, isn't the word. It's worse than that. Then there is the special effects. The first time the shark takes a bite and leaps out of the water, it looks like it is made from cardboard.

Seriously, poor poor film. A waste of money.

The facial expressions of the female cast members is as shockingly awful as the tough guys in the film. They so often shake their heads and shrug their shoulders it is predictable in every scene.

Where they walk through the woods - six of them, is so scripted (steady pace girls, don't walk to fast)...

Oh, and I forgot to say, when the beefy guy tells the others it's a Mastodon, its like, soooo coincidental that he happens to know about these sharks. I mean, come on guys...

I wont tell you what happens at the end. You'll never get to it anyway, but you miss nothing by not watching.
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