It's Alive (2009)
An killer infant? Literally? Surely this was a joke?...
20 July 2012
I haven't seen the original movie on which this 2008 version is based, so this review is solely based on having seen the 2008 version only.

First of all, I must say that I found the story to be laughable at best. Come on, an infant killing animals and full-grown people? It was just so far out there and it was nowhere near making any sense in a logical way at all. And that really brought down the movie a couple of notches for me, because it was so hard to buy into the storyline.

That being said, then on the other hand, the movie was quite nicely shot and well put together. So there is a great sense of production value to weigh up for the lousy storyline.

And the performances were also helping to carry the movie along, as Bijou Phillips (playing Lenore) and James Murray (playing Frank) were doing good jobs with their characters and helping to bring them to life on the screen.

Sadly, though, that wasn't enough to make the movie stay afloat. For a horror movie, there was a horrible lack of frights, scary moments or spooky elements. It was basically just a couple of hints here and there as to the killing and the mayhem, through the usage of visual techniques with the camera and sound effects. You didn't really get to see anything to implicate that it was actually Daniel who was doing it. I am sure that would have worked back in 1974 during the original movie, but not in 2008.

So despite it being a nicely shot movie, the storyline really killed the experience for me, and I found the movie to be less than average. Personally, I just found the storyline about an infant that kills too laughable and implausible.

I am sure that if you are a fan of either Bijou Phillips or James Murray then you might actually get some worth out of this movie. But if you are watching it with the intent of watching a good horror movie, like I did, you are perhaps better off with something else.

I am giving "It's Alive" a 4/10 rating because of the acting and the way the movie was shot and edited. The storyline itself is the anchor that is causing this movie to drown.
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