Review of Safe House

Safe House (2012)
I just never cared!
17 July 2012
Once again we have the CIA (bad CIA! Bad!) doing things that we can't really comprehend. Whose side are you on? Your side! No, I'm on my own. We have this guy doing incredible things. He risks his life time after time for the company and we'll dump him the minute things start to become suspect. Then we have Denzel Washington's character. Who is he? Why is he so important? He has a slip of paper with names on it. They can implicate the company. How did he get that? Why does he have this incredible power over everyone? On and on. The protagonist spends his time getting beaten to a series of pulps (somehow he can still walk) for what? Nobody trusts him. He is captain Ahab after America's most successful black actor, or is he. Where do his loyalties lie? I don't get it and I don't care. It's just a muddled script that throws in a series of narrow escapes just to sort of keep us interested.
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