Review of Intensity

Intensity (1997 TV Movie)
McGinley at his nastiest
15 July 2012
A troubled young woman agrees to stay with a girlfriend at the girlfriend's parents' home in a remote location. A maniac breaks into the house and kills the girlfriend and her parents. The troubled young woman escapes from the house but finds a captive girl in the killer's van. She decides to do something about it, and this leads to a confrontation between the woman and killer. Sound vaguely familiar? It should. A few years later, the basic plot was reworked for the French fright flick, HIGH INTENSITY. John C. McGinley is the deranged killer, and he's quite persuasive as a homicidal maniac. The rest of the cast is pretty much unknown, as this was shot on the cheap in Canada for TV consumption. It is intense, indeed, and I would not recommend it for anyone under the age of 14 or thereabouts.
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