why would you choose this...
15 July 2012
I missed this when it came around in London but after reading the reviews added it to my "lovefilm" list. When it came, many many weeks later,I had forgotten why I had ordered it. I thought, oh no, why did I choose this! A film about a guy with locked in syndrome?

Well, it is brilliant. I have seen films about prisons and prisoners and there is always hope of remission, here there is none, this is the ultimate horror. The film is an exploration of the ultimate horror being alive and dead at the same time. Only able to communicate with his eye and blinking, Bauby tells you about his life. The story of how he learnt to communicate is inspiring, the amazing patient dedication of the people around him, the way we can hear his thoughts but no one else can are fantastic ways of building empathy with Bauby and his living horror. The phone calls with his absent lover and his father are moving. Life is precious and this film makes that point very clearly.
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