Not worth watching...
14 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has so many flaws in the story, characters, dialogs, etc that the list is endless. But still I will point out a few. 1. The meaning of punchline "Yato Dharma Tato Jaya" shown is wrong. It Dharma doesn't mean Truth but Righteousness (i.e. doing what is Right), It's shown by action, not words. 2. Arjuna's rivalry was not much with Duryodhana, it was Bheema who had always in loggerheads with Duryodhana. 3. The movie hardly showed any skills of Arjuna properly. 4. Arjuna was known for his prowess in bow-arrow, but he was seen fighting with sword. (Each Pandava was master of one of the weapons) 5. The characters of Bhishma, Drona, Yudhishthira, and most of the characters were far from that in the original Mahabharata. 6. It was not Arjuna but Bheema who had promised Draupadi to avenge her by killing all the Kaurava brothers (and Bheema killed them all)

As I said, the list is endless and it was so pathetic that I couldn't watch it end-to-end without skipping some of the parts. Worst thing is it depicted a very wrong picture/story of the Mahabharata and it's characters. Sad that the Indian directors(s) spoiled such a great epic of all times.
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