Review of Scum

Scum (1979)
Ray Winstone owns the movie
13 July 2012
I was browsing the net to find out about movies which were banned for some reason or other. there were some shitty movies in the list like Grotesque. then there were some known great movies like the exorcist and the Texas chainsaw massacre. and then there was this hidden gem. from the bleak start wherein three "new comers" are admitted in the borstal (English correction homes for the youth ), you know you are in for a shocking time. racist expletives, slaps and punches fly with equal gusto. the characterization is vivid. the characters are real creatures and not plastic figurines. the "daddy" of the borstal is played with rare panache by a very young Ray Winstone. then there is a veggie who is convinced that wearing leather contaminates him. so he walks barefoot in all conditions. there are the administrative f*ckers who are always ready to make a governor's report for the smallest of offences. and then there is the governor himself, a religious nut. the direction is top notch. there is no music, none at all so that the atmosphere of a chilly hell is created faithfully. watch this fantastic movie brothers. it is right up there with classics shot in institutions like sleepers, one flew over the cuckoo's nest.
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