Star Trek: Voyager: Ex Post Facto (1995)
Season 1, Episode 7
Okay if you like Tom Paris
12 July 2012
I was, alas, biased against this episode from the get go as it was clear that Tom Paris was to be central to the story – he is my least favorite character and remained so throughout the series. Tom Paris is framed for a murder on the planet Banea. He was fooling around with the wife of an important scientist and the charge was that Paris killed the jealous husband. Ensign Kim was pretty disgusted with Paris in the early part of the show which was refreshing. Found guilty, the Baneans plant a devise in Paris' brain that causes him to re-live the murder every 14 hours. The devise is beginning to harm other parts of Paris' brain and Tuvok is sent to investigate the murder. At this point in the series Tuvuk is still a pretty boring character but he does get more interesting as the series goes on. The battle scene between the Voyager and Numiri war ships (the Numiri are at war with the Baneans) was well done and interesting as was the scene with the Doctor and Kes. The whodunit aspect of this episode was okay but the Baneans makeup was so stupid as to be laughable.
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