Pointless is an understatement
7 July 2012
I am a fan of Woodie Allen, even if I didn't always like all his movies (but I have many favorites). Even in movies I didn't enjoy I understood the point - "To Rome with Love" HAS NO POINT. The acting at times is bad, the stories are incoherent and the script surprisingly feels written by a 9 year old child... Something I never expected from a Woodie Allen movie.

I left the theater feeling I had undergone a social experiment by someone who wanted to see, after the success of "Midnight in Paris", if someone would stand up and shout "The king is naked!".

Of the 4 parallel story lines only 1 was somewhat watchable and that's because of Alec Baldwin, and even that storyline started so incoherently that it was hard to enjoy it for the rest of the movie.
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