Review of D4

D4 (2011)
Poor-man's Predator with a little X-Files mixed in for good measure
1 July 2012
To begin, I was a film critic for 10+ years but got tired of writing all the time, so I retired, but it hasn't affected my love for the movies, and I still see everything that comes out in both movie theaters and "straight-to-DVD." With that said, I met Actor/Writer/Director Darrin Dickerson in my hometown of Spring Hill, TN where we both live. I would see Darrin around town every week…at the gym, the Post Office, the store, etc. (And, we still cross-paths or pass each other on the road all the time.) So naturally, I was surprised to learn that he was a local independent filmmaker and eager to see his award-winning movie-- a sci-fi/action-thriller titled 'D4.' To be honest, I expected a low-budget, low-quality, B-movie with cheap production-value, choppy-editing, a poor script, and bad acting….all standard fair for the B-movie genre. However, with 'D4,' this was NOT the case! What I saw instead was a low-budget, independent film with a good screenplay, great acting (for the most part), superb directing and tight editing! In truth, I LOVED the film! Picture a poor-man's 'Predator' with a little 'X-Files' mixed in for good measure, but instead of an "alien-threat," we get genetic-mutation & government conspiracy. I was very impressed with Darrin's extensive work on this movie, but the film feels like a labor of love more than anything else for the people involved, and the real hook of 'D4' is that although it's a fictional sci-fi/action-thriller, it was written & inspired by actual events and hardships that have occurred in Darrin's life and family. I'd explain further, but I don't want to give anything away. Just see the film, and be sure to watch the special features afterwards. In the end, 'D4' is solid and very entertaining!
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