Bigfoot (2012 TV Movie)
One of the Worst Bigfoot Movies Ever
30 June 2012
Bigfoot (2012)

1/2 (out of 4)

A concert promoter (Danny Bonaduce) is having an 80's festival in South Dakota and to do this he must destroy several acres of land, which doesn't sit well with a land lover (Barry Williams). Soon the two are battling each other over the land but Bigfoot shows up and wants everyone off him home turk. BIGFOOT comes from director Bruce Davison and lets just say that it's without question one of the worst movies ever done on the subject. I will admit that I'm a Bigfoot lover and I enjoy watching any movie I can on him so if someone such as myself hates this film so much I'm really not sure how bad others will hate it. I will say that I think Davison could make for a good director as it's clear he knows how to tell a story, the film looks professional and so on. However, whoever had the idea to do "this" to Bigfoot should be ashamed of themselves. The Bigfoot here isn't the one we've all come to love but instead it has more to do with King Kong. Yes, the title creature here is a gigantic monster that runs wild just like the big ape, which is just downright stupid and silly. For starters, just a tad bit of logic would tell you that it would be impossible for no one to have spotted him already if he was this big. Secondly, what was the point? Why have Bigfoot be this giant monster? Those expecting to see your typical Bigfoot are going to be disappointed but that's not the only bad thing. The constant back and forth between Williams and Bonaduce gets old very quickly. These elements seem more like a spoof but the rest of the film is played straight. Another problem is that there's really no fun to be had with Bigfoot being so annoying. Even his death scenes are pretty bland as he usually picks people up and bites their head off yet there's no blood so go figure. Joining the cast is Sherilyn Fenn who plays a cop and we get a fun cameo from Alice Cooper playing himself. Again, I'm really not sure whose idea it was to turn this Bigfoot into a giant ala King Kong but the end result is an incredibly bad movie and one of the worst of its kind. Even The Asylum should be embarrassed.
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