Review of Mask Maker

Mask Maker (2011)
Jason v Airheads
30 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Creepy rustic farmhouse, spooky basement, graveyard, sepia tinged back story explanation(including voodoo), indestructible boiler suited killer, victims fornicating in barn, killers creepy underground cavern .... if you think that is original then you haven't seen too many slasher movies.

How does bilge like this get funding to be made in the first place?.

Usually you can forgive airhead victims in horror if they are teens but some of these clowns are in their 30's. It's a strong emotion but i have to say i absolutely hated the characters in this movie and wanted them all to get pitch forked. All the clichés were present and correct. When players went missing everyone just got on with things until they were next in line to die. Like how did the creep who came to turn on the power actually get to the house - no vehicle, guess he must have walked and thats why no one noticed he was missing. And if anyone turns up at my house at the next family bereavement evaluating my silverware they're gonna get pitch forked too.
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