Review of Cool Dog

Cool Dog (2010 Video)
Lot's of tears from 8 year old son
30 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT!! This review contains spoilers. While this movie did entertain my son with it's very campy "bad guys", there are two very sad parts in this movie. About a quarter of the way in you discover not only is the family moving to New York and having to leave Jimmy's beloved dog Rainy behind, Jimmy's Mom is deceased. My son, who very rarely cries at movies started balling at this point. I will say he is very sensitive to the loss of parents, as the only other time I've seen him cry at a movie was during Kung Foo (sp?) Panda 2 when you discover how the main character's parents die. The second time my son fell apart with sadness was near the end when it appears Rainy is dead. An EMT checks his heart and shakes his head that Rainy is dead. I believed it as well and thought 'How cruel to do that to young viewers.' Alas, Rainy either comes back to life or the EMT is an idiot, but Rainy lives! We watched the movie last night on TV and my son is still talking about how much he hated this movie. The silliness of the movie and the heroism Rainy displays to protect others from bad people was extremely entertaining for my son, but it was ruined with the heartbreak that accompanies it. While my son hated it, if you child is not as affected by the death of a parent, he/she may really enjoy this movie. You, as an adult, not so much. The storyline is thin and full of silliness.
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