The worst Christian film I have ever seen
29 June 2012
To sum up my absolute hate for this movie, I created an IMDb account JUST to write a review on this movie. To begin, the only reason I watched this is because I was doped on Tylenol with the flu and needed a movie to pass time. I cannot say enough times how much I dislike the dialog, plot, casting, characters and overall animation.

My seven year old brother and I decided that the producers probably made this movie in a weekend. The dialog doesn't match up with the way their mouths are moving, and every here and there the characters would be talking OUTSIDE of the shot. It's almost more entertaining to make fun of this movie, rather than actually watch it. To be honest, my brother and I thought it was a rip off of Veggie Tales...only with worse musical numbers and animation. By the time the first song started playing, we thought John Denver was singing. Not only that, but someone obviously had to write new lyrics/music because song writers would be ashamed to be apart of this movie.

Lastly, the characters were more poorly depicted than a children's picture book. For example, "Carl The Squid" looked like he escaped from that movie "Chernobyl Diaries"...it's almost scary. Also, the physical features of the fish/dolphin aren't even anatomically correct. For one, porpoise don't even sleep! And the squid's face is backwards. Overall, this movie will actually decrease your child's chances of getting into a good college and most likely scare them away from the ocean.

In summary, if you're religious...FIND A DIFFERENT MOVIE because you will definitely be offended and ashamed you even clicked "play".
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