Nice Costume Drama, but total waste of time
25 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is a nice historic costume drama, it is well set, directed excellently and acted with love to details. Still this movie is a total waste of time, as the story line is not satisfying. The basic story goes like this: an aristocratic girl is promised as usual in these times to ensure stability of alliances of her family. She is married to a nice good-looking aristocratic young man, who starts to love her and who is committed and monogamous towards his new wife. As she is beautiful and attractive, every other aristocrat around her desires to have sexual relations with her. She is not a flaky dull-minded blond who does not know what consequences follow actions, but does it nonetheless. She dishonors her husband, her family, her husbands family and basically everyone else and is extremely badly skilled at covering up her smiles and blushing, when other aristocrats glance at her with sexual desire. She leaves her husband at the end only to discover that she received not more than a hot flirt in exchange for the destruction of her own future, her husbands future and everyone else in her life.

Now, can anyone please tell me why this story should be worth watching it? Well, I believe it is not even though it is a solidly made movie with solid actors.

Be warned...it's your time.
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