The Captives (2001 Video)
Just Torture Porn
25 June 2012
A variation of the more famous cult title, I Spit on Your Grave, which had a woman seeking revenge on her rapists, one by one, in bloody fashion, including the castration scene in a bath tub. The aforementioned is a masterpiece compared with this mess.

Sandy(Emily Hack) is the woman wronged, by everybody, it seems, and so she goes on a sadistic rampage. She shoots one of the men in the balls; ouch! Bad man number two is burned with a cigarette and forced to defecate, and then forced like Fido, to have his face shoved into it; bad dog. He is having a really bad day, which ends with an angry Sandy turning Lizzie Borden with an axe.

The last guy gets to watch our heroine pleasure herself with a broom handle, and then she uses it on him in a very unnatural manner; holy s***, all we have here is torture porn. No budget, bad acting, and a supposed eight day shoot, make I Spit... a waste of seventy one minutes of my life.
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