Review of Odyssey 5

Odyssey 5 (2002–2004)
Seemed interesting at first but it didn't hold me
20 June 2012
I thought the pilot episode of this show was quite promising, and I there were some interesting ideas in the first episodes. But after that pilot, the show didn't spend much time on the story arc, going instead for self-contained stories with maybe a brief hint here and there that the story arc was happening.

The problem was I wasn't really that interested in those individual stories, and I found some of the characters annoying, especially the reporter who was pretty much of an idiot. I realized that while the main story arc was being ignored, I was instead being served a whole bunch of rather soap-operish character arcs, and I felt restless to get to the whole saving the earth thing.

Around episode 8 I was feeling very bored with the whole thing and decided to give up on the show, but when I looked at the episode guide on it appeared that the story arc came into play with episode 9. So I thought I'd go a little further

So I watched the next couple of episodes, and even kind of liked episode 9, but after feeling bored again with episode 10, I realized that it just wasn't going to happen. I wasn't connecting with the characters, the stories were middling, and there was too much bland soap opera.

I never hated Odyssey 5, or even disliked it, but ultimately it just didn't feel like it was worth my time.
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