Catch Me If You Can (1998 TV Movie)
Tough to sit through
20 June 2012
There is a possibility - slight, but still there - that some kids might enjoy "Catch Me If You Can" (a.k.a. "Deadly Game") But if your kids have a reasonable amount of intelligence and good manners, chances are they may have as much feeling of dislike to the movie's child character as adults probably will. It should probably come as no surprise that the child actor playing the kid in the movie has more than a passing resemblance to Macaulay Culkin. Indeed, his prank-playing child character probably was inspired by the "Home Alone" movie. But while you rooted for the kid in "Home Alone", I greatly disliked the child in this movie I'm reviewing. He's so mean-spirited, so cruel with his pranks that he is a real hateful figure. That alone sinks the movie, thought there are other significant flaws like low production values that make this viewing experience one to avoid.
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