Great Documentatry
20 June 2012
I found this doc on You Tube. Its is great and if you can grab it and make it part of your library... you should.

And here is my take on it, which may cause some discussion.

First, finding out that Michael Moore was involved in this doc gave me a sense of dread. Michael Moore does not make documentaries. He makes sociopolitical period pieces. The difference being, in every Michael Moore film he has a constant voice over. That fact makes it not a doc... but a personal film, which directs the viewer to identify with the director.

This film does not do that. All film is straight from the bigoted, racist mouths of the characters. Good on the filmmaker.

Second, this film... and any movie like this, requires the worst to make it work. I have no doubt that the guys in suits interviewed are 100% serious about their belief. But they also interview dumb ass people... not challenging their ideals... which i think if done would reveal a human nature, and visible misunderstanding and misguidness that proves humanity still exists.

Racism completely exists. I am not disputing that in any way. But I would love to have seen a couple interviews of folks that are in the community they interviewed questioning the ideals.

Showing both sides allows us to decide the depth of hatred and disgust we choose to embody in our feeling. Docs presented from a one sided view only guides us towards hate, and no understanding of the point of view of the character. Our ability to use our individual predisposition to problem solve and make our own decisions on the subject matter is paramount in a good documentary, because it engages us in the conversation.... and good documentary should be a presentation of a "thing" which can be discussed and challenged, in a group and within ourselves.

This film provides us with flawed individuals. Got it. But I need a counterpoint from inside that shows there is another viewpoint within this community. Because if its not there I only can assume that this is a doc created for a purpose... with an agenda. That is not a good doc.

But I am sooooo happy I found this film. As you can read... it sparks great thoughts and discussions... on society and our own personal beliefs. As long as you are willing to discuss it from both sides.
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