A Great Comedic Film!
19 June 2012
Who would think it was funny to write a movie about a bomb and the fools to get it? Peter Sellers stars and plays several role including the Duchess of Grand Fenwick (A small independent country) in Europe. The country is upset with the United States and declares war. The laughter continues along the way with Peter Sellers, playing a willing soldier to surrender to the United States if possible. When the Fenwick soldiers arrived in New York City, the streets are deserted because there is a an air raid drill going on and everybody's underground. Peter Sellers is brilliant and fantastic in many roles. Jean Seberg is fine as the love interest. Her character's father developed a bomb stronger than the atomic bomb. There is plenty of dark humor but also an equal amount of light humor as well. To think a small country could invade the United States and win by circumstance is funny. Please watch if you love Dr. Strangelove as well.
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