The Dreamers (2003)
Two hours in the company of people who weren't that interesting
18 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In the summer of 1968 American student Matthew is in Paris; he is spending a year there to improve his French; he is also a cinephile, spending much of his time at the Cinémathèque Française watching films old and new. Also attending are twins Isabelle and Theo although they don't talk to each other until the man in charge of the cinema is fired leading to protests by his supporters. During the protest Matthew gets talking to Isabelle and later gets invited home for dinner. It is raining so he ends up spending the night in the spare room. The next day Isabelle and Theo's parents depart for a month long holiday and the twins invite him to stay. It is clear that Isabelle and Theo aren't like most twins; they have a relationship that is almost incestuous. They spend their time discussing films, enacting scenes from films for the others to guess and when they can't expecting them to perform forfeits of a sexual nature. It is one such forfeit that begins Isabelle and Matthew's sexual relationship. While this is going on the city is in turmoil but the trio barely notice as they are so wrapped up in their own world.

What you think of this film will largely be down to what you think of the three main characters; if you find them interesting people to be with you'll probably love it; if you find the to be pretentious bores you won't; unfortunately I found my self leaning towards the latter camp. I suspect it would also help if you have a good knowledge of the films they reference. This isn't to say the film isn't well made; I liked how their actions were intercut with clips from the films they were referencing and thought the actors did a fine job portraying their characters. There is a fair amount of nudity and sexual activity that some viewers might find excessive although it is for the most part dealt with in a very matter of fact way; filmed in the way one might film a clothed person rather than being coy or attempting to eroticise the nudity... there is one scene that might shock though when it becomes clear that is was Isabelle's first time. Overall I'd say this is worth checking out but be prepared to be disappointed... however you might just have the opposite reaction and love it!
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