Lie to Me: Black Friday (2009)
Season 2, Episode 7
watchable fare - good for it's genre
18 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this in the channels a few weeks ago at the end of season 1 so didn't bother, but found they were running season 2 in the mornings.

Tim Roth is enjoyable and his accent certainly lends colour and interest. Wish I had the teams gifts having seen his teenage daughter explain what it's like having a human lie detector for a Dad. Teenagers beware if we all develop this skill.

There are some similarities in genre to 'The Mentalist' but the humour is different and I probably enjoy this more. Lets see if it becomes as predictable.

Look out for the bit about 15 mins in where they first state the parents are lying as they flash an image of Milli Vanilli. Must have been an kn joke by the producers, if you don't get it look them up.

I did feel the FBI team members were irrelevant in the script and it could have been filmed without.

The Mentalist, Numbers if you like these you will like this.

Rated 6/10 because its not bad but a bit generic. Will review the others as they come
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