Avengers: EMH falls too short compared to other recent shows
13 June 2012
Since the trailer comparisons with Justice League Unlimited couldn't be avoided. It basically looked like "a poor man's Justice League Unlimited" in almost every aspect.

The character designs are horrendous, overly simplified and in many cases don't make justice to their comic book incarnations. I can't see a point of making Thor's face look like a moai and giving him square fingers, Hawkeye's head just can't be described, and Tony's stark looks nothing like in the comics or the movies. Some of the villains look like Robot Masters for Mega Man rather than American superhero foils. Character designs just can't be defended. Colors of the show are, again, very basic and simplified and animation isn't sharp or anything. Maybe that was a move to appeal to the little children eyes with simpler lines, but I don't think it had to look THIS cheap. Because certainly everything looks cheap in this series, compared with superior quality animation like the WB productions for DC.

I already said this look like a kiddie show, well, the story lines are also very simple and lack of depth. There are some very basic dilemmas (for example, the Molecular Man loss of humanity, or Antman's thoughts on villain rehabilitation), but then they extend them through every episodes until they get too old, making the characters motivations look just plain and unidimensional.

What can be said on favour of this series is that they develop some storyline in steps along all the season, and season finale solutions are kind of exciting, but again, it doesn't give any depth, only evil villains trying to take over the world. No interesting character relationships, memorable dialogues (Damn, cardboard dialogues are plain bad!) or intelligent story lines. This series is very swallow, too little thoughtful of heartful. Simply kid stuff.

If I wanted to watch something kiddie, I would watch Superhero Squad.

Disney/Marvel studios simply didn't want to invest money and talent developing what could have been breakthrough show. Compared to the superior Warner shows, with better character designs, fairly decent budgets, intelligent story lines and great character development, this Avengers series just falls too short, and doesn't honor its source material like the DC series do.

Remember when Marvel made excellent series, like X-Men? Well, I feel a little bad for the fans who will miss this series, but I'm looking forward to Avengers Assemble. I hope Marvel delivers something satisfying with its next series, but I'm not entirely optimistic about that, specially with Loeb comparing it to Ultimate Spider-Man.
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