Call of Duty 2 (2005 Video Game)
The first and only COD I have ever played.
13 June 2012
First off, I know I am only asking to have people dislike my review as I am going against the grain and when one tends to do that to a video game none of your points are taken. They see you do not rank their favorite game until the sequel comes out low, and this for reasons tear a person up inside. I like Final Fantasy games, but I do not care if others do to the point of dismissing that person's opinion all together. Still, I know what I am in for, but I shall press on and say, this game just did not make for an enjoyable game playing experience. It looked stunning, and I did enjoy it a bit at first, but it was just a game I could not get into and none of the commercials of the later games makes me want to play them.

This was one of the first games I played on the Xbox 360, which is why I initially enjoyed it. It showcased the new systems power quite well as the graphics were stunning. Very crisp to say the least. The game is your standard first person shooter, however, and this is a genre I am not a big fan of. I see why others like it, I just am not crazy about it...just as others out there hate RPGs and such. You run around with only your gun present and you are constantly being hit which in real life would be a one way ticket to a hospital or grave, but your guy can withstand quite the onslaught of bullets and shrapnel and can be completely healed by a first aid kit. If only thing progressed like this in the real world, wars would last infinitely as long as conveniently placed first aid kits and ammo was scattered throughout the world. The game is divided into different areas and you take on the role of a different soldier in each level or front of a World War II battle. You have a different goal each time, and this is probably another reason why I did not care for the game as much as others. I prefer to have a more interconnecting story. Here you must battle in one place and another as a different person each time. I do not know why this did not work for me, I am a bit insane if that helps explain.

All through the game you are killing others in this very detailed environment. It is a bit strange that this Call of Duty game is rated T rather than M. I am also not a big fan of first person shooters where you kill other soldiers. I prefer an alien or monster force to oppose, which is why I sort of liked the first Halo game and Resistance. Very strange here as I like horror films and such, but for some reason I am just not a big fan of killing people in war situations in games. Another thing I cannot explain.

So, it was not an entirely bad game, it had some good points and I certainly see why so many enjoy this game and the series even. This just is not for me is all and I have to rank it according to my enjoyment. It was fun for awhile, but it did not last and thus why I never have and most likely never will play any of the newer games. That and they rely more on online play which I am also not a big fan of. I prefer doing games solo and the game providing me entertainment with its story and missions, not ones I and a group of strangers has to create. I prefer the old school classic games these days to most of the newer stuff being produced, once again just an opinion and a sign I am getting I am sad, but this game is not. If you like FPS games then give it a try, if not steer clear.
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