Game of Thrones: Blackwater (2012)
Season 2, Episode 9
Most action packed episode of GoT ever.
28 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
And besides the action, the CGI is very top notch as well!

Really one of the best episode I have watched from GoT to date. Even though there isn't much story telling, it felt like the series needed a full on battle for once. I gave it a ten because of the perfect CGI and battle scene's.

***Spoilers below, short recap:***

It starts directly with the silence before the storm. The fleet of Stannis is slowly drifting to the shore and preparing to attack the city, kings landing. Using Wildfire, the major part of the fleet is destroyed, however there are still enough soldiers from storm's end alive to continue the attack.

Tyrion Lannister has gotten hold of a map of the tunnels below the city, given by Varys.

They use the tunnels in the end to get behind the attackers, and they successfully kill the storm's end soldiers at the gate. Then, more enemies arrive (a lot more). Luckily Tywin Lannister comes to the rescue.

It's unclear if Tyrion is dead or mere unconscious. Also unclear if Sandor Clegane took Sansa Stark.
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