I'm glad Disney made this movie!
27 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie today and it was definitely worth it! This is undoubtedly the best animated movie to have been made in India so far. The story is well written and keeps you hooked through out...I can say that because when the screen had "INTERMISSION" written across it, I was like, 'already'?..I was that engrossed. I have always been disappointed at the state of animation in India and this movie was like a fresh breeze. The movie has been directed well and some of the scenes are especially commendable...like the one (spoiler) where Arjun shoots the goldfish and the fight scene between Guru Drona and Arjun.(end of spoiler) The dialogs are also well written- the jokes aren't lame and the language not too heavy as is usually in the case of mythological movies. The music and sound effects are good too. However, the end was a little abrupt or shall we say, a little rough around the edges. But it does not damage the overall effect too much. All in all, the movie is a good watch and the kids will love it. Definitely a good way to spend 2 hours!
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