this is an indie film....
27 May 2012
You have to realize this is an indie film. Not a big production with big names or people who have made films for bigger companies. If your a fan of the big production films or of massive cgi, then your not in luck. I personally like to see these indie films, cause there's just a raw persons idea, being acted out on film. The film has a very intimate feeling due to the tight shots and close ups of a lot of the action. you feel as if your in the woos next to the actors and when something pops in to view or moves in the background you feel the surprise, as f you were their. I would have loved to see more of the make-up artistry. The times it showed up you could see the great detail of the make-up. Could of used more moving with the of scenery as most of it takes place with just woods as background. Maybe added cabins or some sort of structure to add more to the visual aspect, giving the feeling of the characters moving, and traveling.

Overall i did like this movie, and hope more directors start going back to more make-up for their horror movies. Its a dying art form that's being lost to CGI and Computers to edit in parts and Add effects.
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