Max Payne 3 (2012 Video Game)
Good but not a masterpiece.
25 May 2012
First of all i would like to state that this game was a huge disappointment, i never played the original games but i knew the reputation this series had so i thought it would be another excellent game. This turned out to be wrong.

The story isn't too complex but it is interesting. Max is acting as a bodyguard for one of the wealthiest families in Sao Paulo until a group tries to bring down the family with the capture of one of the brothers wife. Max sets out to find her while also trying to figure out what's going on and why the group want's the family dead, things soon spiral out of control while he also tries to battle his own demons.

I'll start with the positives. All the voice acting is greatly performed (James McCaffrey steals the show)and it feels realistic, the soundtrack is brilliant(probably one of the best around), the graphics are great(One of the best for a third person shooter) and the attention to detail is amazing like all Rockstar games, the style and direction of the game is very good and keeps it interesting along with the story.

Although this is all ruined by the repetitive nature of the game it basically consists of: cut-seen kill people cut-seen kill people. It never or very rarely ever does anything to deviate away from this structure and after some time it can start to become boring. The linear level structure doesn't help much either you have to do what the game tells you to do, you cant take different routes or employ different methods to deal with situations, which is strange as most Rockstar games never do this. There are some other issues like: bad frame-rate, lack of exploration, terrible placing of checkpoints(or lack of them) but none of them add up to my overall major negative of this game...........................The difficulty.

Personally i like games that challenge me, it makes it feel like I've accomplished something and it gives me a sense of reward but Max Payne is just ridiculously hard. I wouldn't have minded if it wasn't so blatant that they where just trying to pad the game. You'll be thrown into a room with very little health, little ammo, not much cover and at times nothing to recover health then when you manage to get pass this point the game doesn't checkpoint so you'll have to replay over and over again. I expect this from less known lower budget type games not Max Payne! The multiplayer is good, the dialogue is kinda okay(it's not fantastic like most critics say it's kinda cheesy and sounds like a b-movie)and the violence is awesome.

It may seem like a don't like this game but that's not the case. It's good but that's it, not terrible not amazing just good, 7/10
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