Excellent first effort!!!
24 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a great film, but it is very entertaining. It's a first effort from a new indie film maker and as such, is far from perfect. Having said that, I have to say that I was very impressed with the acting of the two principals. Both were very good at what must have been difficult roles for them, and neither are greatly experienced actors. I also liked that the story was not fully explained. A plague, zombies, horrible deaths, something weird happening and that's about all the explanation you get. You never really know what's going on or why these two, and a few others, were immune to whatever it is. A first film, or novel, or short story, is always more of a learning experience than a fully realized endeavor. I know that well from my own writing and my own music as well. This is an excellent first film, and I'm sure that the filmmakers will take what they learned from this, and both positive and negative reviews, and the next film will be even better. For what it is, I do recommend this film. It has heart and it does drag you into the action.
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