Mirror Mirror (I) (2012)
From a scarred mind
23 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have no words to describe properly this movie.. It was insulting,disturbing,most of all absurd!The only reason i decided to destroy the beautiful childhood memory i had of the original Disney story was because of Julia Roberts' participation in the movie,but never the less i was left disappointed!The extreme amount of absurdity in it was unbearable,and i admit..i really didn't expect it to be this ridiculous .. still i did whatever i could to make it through the whole thing.And just when i thought there was no force in this world,capable of making a movie even more absurd than it was so far...i was wrong again.Every act was so fake and shallow,even the "big and scary monster" was kind of cute.The ending was the culmination of all the absurdity...i stood there with my mouth wide open and couldn't believe how anyone could manage to make a movie so sick,'cause it really was sick...i can't imagine if a kid sees it...personally i wouldn't allow my kid to be scarred for life!!Only wish i knew how in the world Roberts agreed to be a part of such badly made and shallow excuse of a "fairy tale" that used to bring me pleasant childhood memories.It's an insult to the REAL Snow White tale.Do yourself a favor and don't watch it!I know i wish i hadn't ..
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