Headhunters (2011)
Kicks Hollywood's ass
22 May 2012
Headhunters is FANTASTIC. If you hate subtitled movies, DON'T wait for the US remake - go and see it now, and have your mind changed in two hours flat.

I have never read Jo Nesbo, but if this adaptation reflects the calibre of his novels, then he deserves every plaudit he gets - as do all connected with this very cool movie.

The set up is original, the plot is twistily well executed, the characters are completely believable, the action is unrelenting and shocking, and the black humour is a complete joy.

I squirmed, I laughed, I hid behind my hands, I gripped my armrests then laughed some more.

This film kicks Hollywood's ass, and for fans of early Tarantino and the best of the Coen brothers, it's a must-see.
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