Lockout (2012)
one of the stupidest screenplays and scenarios ever drafted up
18 May 2012
sending criminals into the space prison? do you know how much it'd cost, you moron? nasa couldn't even continue the space projects since every launch cost so much. space travels from earth are only for those who are filthy rich but not for those who are guilty criminals. do you guys know how much it would cost to maintain the existing space station in the present orbit? sentencing criminals into the space to freeze them up is one thing, maintaining the life system with prison warden, security force, making the space prison a normal operation, the logistic cost would be larger than the defense budget. sending the president daughter with some mysterious ailment into the space prison on a humane social mission? are you kidding me? and why all the most vicious criminals are British citizens? why mr. besson didn't put some french criminals into the space prison? and why America is still playing the world/global police and has the jurisdiction and obligation to administer the outer space prison? and why the space prisoners turned loose and on killing spree, all of the Americans could only find one person to do the rescue mission? the cgi effects were one of the worst so far i've seen. and why all the rescue missions of all the movies in such genre got to be carried out in the air ducts? handguns, assault rifles, shotguns, grenades, explosives, dynamites can be always used in the outer space stations, yeah, right.

yo, you guys writing such kinda screenplays, you guys directing such movies, yes, you, can you do me a favor? yeah? okay? here's what i'm humbly asking: GIVE ME A BREAK! enough is enough.
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