Review of Manhunt

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Manhunt (1989)
Season 2, Episode 19
18 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Manhunt" is basically another Next Gen episode catering to Mrs. Roddenberry, who is always a hoot although it doesn't really add anything particularly interesting to the show itself, although she does get to save a specific admiral's conference from being blown to smithereens by assassins (they look like Fish Creatures) masquerading as delegates with potential in joining the Federation. Lwaxana Troi (Majel Barrett) is going through "the phase", something akin to human female menopause, except in her case overcharged sex drive (!), looking for a mate aboard the Enterprise to marry. That's pretty much it for the exception of following Picard (hiding from Lwaxana who eyes him as a possible suitor!) on the Holodeck in the fictional role of a private detective before WWII, Dix, and his desire to have a comfortable time of it before the ship reaches the planet of the conference. This is essentially an episode that is playful and undemanding on an intellectual level, allowing Barrett to have fun with her bluntly honest, toxically aggressive Lwaxana character. If anything, it was hilarious seeing Deanna squirm when Lwaxana abruptly declares her marriage to Riker without his knowledge! Worf's moments with the Fish Creature Delegates (he considers them a handsome race!), including a scene with Wesley, are some of my favorites during the episode. Pulaski (Diana Muldaur) wanting Troi to allow Picard to get out of his dinner engagement with Lwaxana, without her help, is also pretty funny (it comments on the hunt, the hunted and the hunter). The Antedeans are a fascinating creation, I must say, and their catatonic incubation period, the feeding frenzy that erupts once they awaken, and the constant references to them keeps them alive during the episode when it could have been completely overwhelmed by Lwaxana. Seeing Lwaxana talk to the computer, asking for directions to the Holodeck to find Picard (the computer is her voice!), is simply surreal...
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