Worth Watching
16 May 2012
Given the dearth of of movies out there that treat bowling in a serious light, this documentary is well worth watching. I would definitely recommend it to anyone considering a career in professional bowling.

This documentary delves into the psyche behind the bowlers and the PBA commissioner. All in all, this analysis is actually very entertaining and informative.

The only parts of this documentary that I found lacking was a piece on the fans and the popularity of the sport world wide. PBA fans run the gauntlet among society and it would have been interesting to see a cross section of these fans. It would also have been interesting to show some of the international PBA regulars that compete on tour (they did show a brief piece on England's Stuart Williams but should have included Ameletto Monacelli or Mika Kouvunemi).

Again, this does not detract from this documentary. In fact, since there is such a lack of quality material available on this topic it is easy to see what was left out :)This is a good film and I recommend it without hesitation.
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