Very enjoyable British spy thriller adventure film.
9 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Thirty Nine Steps is set during 1914 & starts in London late one night as three men discuss a potential threat to world peace & England, retired secret agent Scudder (John Mills) tells Sir Hugh & Lord Harkness (William Squire) about a plan by three Prussian enemy agents to assassinate the Greek prime minister who is on an official visit to London & plunge all of Europe into a war. Soon after the meeting both Hugh & Harkness are murdered & Scudder know's he is next so he ask's his neighbour Richard Hannay (Robert Powell) for help & to shelter him until he can work out the details of the Prussain's plans, collect proof &prevent the start of a World War. However the Prussain agents find Scudder & murder him, Hannay is blamed for the murder & goes on the run to clear his name, follow up Scudder's leads & try to stop the war himself, but no-one seems to want to believe Hannay & Scudder's notebook is missing...

This British production was directed by Don Sharp & was the third time that the novel The 39 Steps by John Buchan had been adapted for the silver screen following Alfred Hitchcock's original The 39 Steps (1935) & the remake The 39 Steps (1959), while I have not read the book nor seen Hictchcock's take on it I have seen the 1959 version before & I have to say I much prefer this one & I think it's superior in just about every way although still not perfect by any means. While watching this it's clear that while the general feel of the film is similar & many of the same character's appear the basic story is different & the ending also is very different & thankfully ditches the awful idea of Mr. Memory being an agent for evil & instead has a nice, if somewhat short, little set-piece in & outside of London landmark Big Ben. The two killers chasing Hannay, the meeting & murder of a British agent in his flat, the train journey to Scotland, the bridge dangling scene, the hike across the moors, the attractive female Hannay meets, the police Inspector on Hannay's trail & even a scene in which Hannay has to give a speech in a case of mistaken identity. At an hour & forty odd minutes the pace drops occasionally & maybe this isn't as action packed as some may want but it's a pretty solid story of mystery & enemy agents & assassination plots with good character's (although Alex doesn't seem bothered by the murder of her fiancé at all) although the bad guy Appleton doesn't get a big speech to try & justify what he is doing & the ending is rather abrupt. The script is gripping, the mystery aspects work well enough & there's enough incident to keep one interested throughout. I liked it quite a bit actually.

While the 1959 version of The 39 Steps was bright & colourful this one is far more gritty & grey which suits the Victorian period setting very well, the moors actually look like rough terrain rather than pretty fields & the special effects are obviously better this time around as well. The production design is great, the costumes, sets & props all look authentic & add character to the visual style of it, the Big Ben ending feels a little silly as Hannay just decides to dangle hundreds of feet in the air without even thinking about it & the sequence doesn't really lead to anything spectacular. Relying on story & boyish adventure there's no real violence or gore & no profanity so this is one all the family could watch.

Filmed on location in London & Scotland. The production values are great & this is a fine looking film. The acting is good from a solid Brisith cast including Powell, David Warner, Sir John Mills & George Baker.

The Thirty Nine Steps is a cracking little Saturday afternoon spy adventure film with an attractive period setting & a pretty solid & suspenseful script that goes up & down the country & ends on a lofty set-piece in & outside Big Ben. A good way to pass a couple of hours, you could do a lot worse.
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